In Memory of Lauren Schoepf
I can't say that I have had too many friends stay in my life from Kindergarten until current. Lauren Schoepf is one of those amazing friends. I first meet Lauren in Slaton, TX, at West Ward Elementary.
It was a relatively small school, so most of us became friends quickly. You beat me in transferring to Frenship by a year. Little did you know that your leaving before moving to a much larger school district gave me comfort and strength to do the same a year later. In Friendship, we ended up in different friend circles for a while until you decided to fall in love with one of my best friends. If you would have known how head over heels Justin was for you.
Santa Land 2009 Lubbock TX (might be my most embarrassing photo ever)
I remember listening to Justin talk hours on end about you. It was no surprise that you and Justin would start a life together shortly after we graduated.
I was proud to stand as a groomsman at y'alls wedding. I did not doubt that you would have a wonderful life together as husband and wife. Well, maybe one doubt after seeing your reaction to our "tagging" your getaway car with saran wrap...I promise that it was all Hunter's fault!
Never in a million years did I imagine that my best friend at Frenship ISD would go on to marry one of my longest-held friendships from West Ward Elementary.
The years passed, and I drifted off traveling and such, but one thing stayed steady, my friendship with the Schoepf's. We shared a lot of life together, playing games, welcoming little Nolan to your family, praying for my future wife, running, and biking to get in shape. Not to mention the bike ride you never let me forget! Y'all made the trip up to Michigan to stand in my wedding, a gesture that I knew I would never be able to repay. We always looked forward to dinner/game night at the Schoepf's when we could make a trip to Texas. You helped console me when my father passed away. The impact your life had on me is hard to count. I am genuinely a richer person (and more humble) because of your life and friendship. I will miss you and feel like you were taken from us way too early. The night Lauren passed (Feb 3rd) the Crabtrees (Vanessa) lit a candle in your honor and memory and prayed for all struggling with missing you. I will continually wrap Justin, Nolen, and the Schoepf-Neel family in my prayers. (PS you did an excellent job avoiding pics through the years).