"Crabtree Adventures" The Story Behind the Name

If you have been following us and watching the amazing progress God has blessed Vanessa with over the past year and a half, you might have wondered why on earth we named our updated video channel on YouTube Crabtree Adventures.

If you are reading this and haven't yet checked out the channel, please do and subscribe if you would like to stay up to date with our adventures (https://www.youtube.com/@CrabtreeAdventures)

Click to learn more about how we named our YouTube channel.

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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Trail Blazing

This is not your average blog from me. In fact, this post brings to light some of the challenges we have faced over the past six months. So if you want to see a glimpse into the life of the newly paralyzed family, this is an excellent post for you! Please note that this post is sometimes less than positive because I discuss our challenges and struggles as we blaze our new trail in life. I welcome you to continue reading and learning more about the negative aspect of significant life transitions - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Trail Blazing.

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Worship in Doubt

Sometimes I read when Jesus says, “O ye of little faith” and can’t help but imagine that He is speaking directly to me. I know as a church musician and leader, it is not normal to talk about doubt, but I truly believe that doubting can be a part of the process of maturity in the faith.

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Take the Call

A current trend in American society is people dodging phone calls. Mems, stories, and short vlogs exist, making fun of call ghosting or dodging. Millennials, in particular, get the award for call dodging. Most millennials will stop at nothing to dodge a phone call. Even letting the call go to voice mail just to turn around and text a response.

I might be the odd one out when it comes to answering calls, especially since I am a member of the Millennial generation, yet I answer the phone no matter the call. I have faced frequent hilarious situations given my phone answering propensity.

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Go Nello!

In a previous post, I addressed my struggles with the phrase, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." If you still need to read that post, click “Read On” and enjoy.

I missed one significant positive angle in my original post about the modern proverb - the concept of reframing your situation.

In general, redefining a terrible situation is my hunch on why the phrase “turn lemons into lemonade” is such a beloved expression. Reframing a traumatic event is a powerful tool used by professional counselors to help people walk through their grief. In battling my depression and anxiety, reframing the situation has been a significant help.

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Lemons and Farmer's Hands

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is a phrase that has always bothered me rather than brought me comfort. Although it is not anywhere near as bad as "you do so much yoga!" On the surface, this phrase seems cut and dry, even easy to digest. Of course, you want to make the best of a terrible situation. But the concept that I cannot shake with this phrase is, what if life doesn't give you the rest of the ingredients for lemonade? What if it is just lemons?

Or when my mind is relatively active and scrambling to understand all angles of this phrase, is the lemonade for you or me? Are you telling me to make lemonade for your sake? Is it too uncomfortable for you to sit with me and be present in my pain and lamenting?

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Thoughts on Missing Someone

One of the most surprising quotes I have come across in the past while is one from the MCU show WandaVision. “What is grief, if not love persevering?” - Vision

Some of us might be experiencing grief, and we do our best to overcome or suppress the emotions. But I want to propose to you that it is healthy and ok to miss your loved one and have feelings of grief.

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My Dumbest Bike Ride

One of the artforms you learn growing up in West Texas is the art of exaggeration. The Texas Tall Tail is a staple of every child's experience (see what I am doin' here). You just never know if you are getting the whole story, an exaggerated spin of events, or if it is all made up entirely. Now that I have completely ruined my credibility, sit back and get ready for my almost unbelievable story, "The Dumbest Bike Ride of My Life."

Usually, Lauren is a very kind and gentle soul, but there is a way to push her over the edge, and I just found it! About a third of the way in the bike ride, I hear her yelling out, "Jeff, I'm gonna kill you."

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